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Author Feedback

Zahid Khan

Zahid Khan

University of South Wales , UK

Dr  Zahid Khan received MBBS degree from Ayub Medical College and completed MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics from LMU, Germany. He also completed MSc Preventative Cardiology from University of South Wales and MRCP from Royal college of Physicians, London UK. He is currently doing MSc Medical Education and has completed Diploma in Leadership in Healthcare and PGCert in training in advanced life support courses. He works as Tutor with University of South Wales and as an Instructor with RESUS Council UK. He also performs the role of PLAB2 examiner for General Medical Council, UK. He is currently training in Cardiology and his research interests varies from acute medicine to cardiology and other acute medical specialties. He has published several articles over the last few years. He was previously awarded Excellence Performance Award by Islamic Development Bank in 2005, DAAD CIH Scholarship in Germany 2010 and Academic Bursary by East of England Deanery in 2020.

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