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Author Feedback

Farid Menaa

Farid Menaa

Fluorotronics Inc, USA

Dr. Farid Menaa (Bsc. Eng., Bsc. Bio., Msc. Genetics, Master Gerontology/Geriatry, PhD Radiation Oncology and Gerontology, EMBA Entrepreneurship and MD candidate), is an inter- and multi-disciplinary professional. Professor, Principal Investigator, Director, Consultant Editor, Reviewer, Event Organizer and Entrepreneur, Dr. Menaa earned his degrees with highest distinctions from prestigious French universities and institutions. Dr. Menaa followed a post-doctoral in Oncology as a NIH-fellow (San Diego, California, USA; 2004-2007). Subsequently, Dr. Menaa pursed his career in Dermatology, and Stem Cells as a DFG-Fellow (Wuerzburg, Germany; 2007–2009). Then, Dr. Menaa was promoted as Chief Scientific Officer and Vice-President R&D at Fluorotronics, Inc. (CA, USA; 2009-2010), a nanotechnology and fluorine chemical company. Eventually, Dr. Menaa was appointed Principal Investigator in Hematology and Genomics as a FAPESP-Fellow (São Paulo, Brazil; 2010–2012). During his career, Dr. Menaa also followed complementary formations (e.g. Medecine, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Food Sciences and Technology, Marine Biology, Nano-Biotechnology, Bio-Computation, Bio-Statistics, Business Development and Management, Technological Innovation and Quality). Overall, Dr. Menaa was involved in various R&D projects in multiple areas of medicine/nanomedicine, pharmacy/pharmacology/toxicology, biology, stem cells/tissue engineering, genetics/genomics, fluorine chemistry/biochemistry, biophysics/biophotonics, food science, technology/nanotechnology, and business). 

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