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Author Feedback

Alehaideb Zeyad

Alehaideb Zeyad

King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Saudi Arabia

I graduated from Simon Fraser University with a doctoral degree in biological sciences and currently employed as a post-doctoral fellow at King Abdullah International Medical Research Center. Before my graduate studies, I worked as a medical technologist in food and drug toxicology laboratories. My current research interests are in ethnopharmacology and experimental pharmacological sciences involving plant-based natural health products and their isolated phytochemical constituents. My ongoing research projects include the investigation for anticancer properties of traditional medicines on breast and liver cancers, the investigation of traditional medicines that increase melanocyte proliferation and accelerate wound healing, and investigation for metabolic interactions and hormonal imbalances due to consumption of certain herbs and foods by sensitive populations. I'm also a co-investigator in numerous projects related to drug discovery/development and do supervise graduate students from local universities.

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