Volume 1 Issue 3
Karelina A.N*, Geletin P.N, Ginali N.V and Romanov A.S
Study of Electromyography (EMG) data in patients with Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders is very important in successful diagnostic of this disease. The aim of study was to determine a specific EMG status of patients with TMJ disorders. Materials and methods of the study involved 70 patients (aged 18-55) with TMJ disorders accompanied with pain syndrome. 20 healthy individuals without signs of TMJ pathology were included in a control group. Comprehensive examination scheme consisted of basic clinical techniques and a number of special additional procedures such as cone-beam computed tomography of temporomandibular joint, investigation of occlusal contact with individual articulator, EMG of masseteric muscles, assessment of psycho-emotional status and pain. EMG study was performed using 4 tests: relative physiological rest, compression standard cotton cushions, maximum contraction of the jaws and function of chewing. Index of symmetry of masseters, temporal muscles and TORC index were valued. Results. Specific features of EMG status of patients with TMJ disorders were revealed. The levels of index of symmetry of masseters, temporal muscles as well as TORC in patient with TMJ disorders were significantly higher compared with healthy individuals. Index of symmetry of masseters varied from 38 to 162%, temporal muscles from 41 to 159%, TORC index from 34 to 166%. In patients of control group all index varied from 80 to 120%. So EMG may be use for diagnostic of functional condition of masseteric muscles in patients with TMJ disorders.
Cite this Article: Karelina AN, Geletin PN, Ginali NV, Romanov AS. Method of Diagnosis of the Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. Sci J Res Dentistry. 2017;1(3): 067-070.
Published: 08 December 2017
Research Article: Features of Psychoemotional and Vegetative Status of Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Karelina A.N*, Geletin P.N, Ginali N.V and Mishutin E.A
In recent years many authors have noted the dominant influence of psychosocial factors in temporomandibular joint dysfunction development. The aim of the study is to assess the severity of pain, to reveal and study the features of emotional state and vegetative status of patients with TMJ disorders. 70 patients with TMJ dysfunction and 20 people without signs of the temporomandibular joint pathology were involved in the study. The examination included assessment of pain, emotional state and autonomic status. We used Visual-analog scale, McGill pain questionnaire, Beck depression scale, Leonhard-Shmishek test and mathematic analysis of heart rhythm. In the study we revealed characteristic features of the emotional state in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction such as expressed of accentuations on the scale of cyclothymic and desthymia (according to Leonhard-Shmishek test), mild degree depression due to Beck scale, and disturbances of vegetative balance in the form of moderate activation of sympathetic vegetative nervous system. The presence of characteristic features of the emotional state in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction confirms the role of stress factors in the development and worsening of TMJ disorders and dictates the need to include in the algorithm of complex diagnostics consultation of neuropsychiatrist, and also allows the dentist to carry out correctly dental treatment in the scheme of complex therapy.
Cite this Article: Karelina AN, Geletin PN, Ginali NV, Mishutin EA. Features of Psychoemotional and Vegetative Status of Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. Sci J Res Dentistry. 2017;1(3): 063-066.
Published: 28 November 2017
Research Article: Effect of Aligned Implants on The Stress in Partial Fixed Prosthesis Submitted To Axial or Oblique Loads Exerted on The Molar: A Photoelastic Study
Bianca Piccolotto Tonella, Marcelo Ferraz Mesquita, Valentim Adelino Ricardo Barao, Mauro Antonio de Arruda Nobilo, Carmem Silvia Pfeifer and Rafael Leonardo Xediek Consani*
Objective: The aim of this study was to verify the effect of aligned implants on the stress in partial fixed prosthesis submitted to axial or oblique loads.
Methods: A photoelastic model was made for each implant type (EH - external hexagon, IH - internal hexagon, and MT - Morse taper) in which were placed three aligned implants and a Ni-Cr framework with three units. The prostheses were subjected to axial (AL) or oblique (OL) loads of 100 N applied at first molar. A polariscope analyzed the photoelastic behavior of the models with Fringes software in Matlab platform.
Results: Qualitative analysis: EH/AL - Greater stress on the implant apexes of the second premolar and first molar, and lower intensity on second molar; IH/AL - Similar stress at the implant apexes of the first and second molars, and larger intensity at the second premolar; MT/AL - Higher stress with different concentrations at regions of the implants; EH/OL - Lower stress intensity at the apexes of the second molar and second premolar when compared to first molar; IH/OL - Stress with similar intensity at implant apexes; and MT/OL - Greater stress at the second molar, and smaller at the first molar and second premolar. Quantitative analyses: EH/AL (T=15.32 and Nf=1.53, IH/AL (T=13.29 and Nf=1.32), MT/AL (T=15.29 and Nf=1.52), EH/OL (T=15.29 and Nf=1.52, IH/OL (T=14.15 and Nf=1.41), and MT/OL (T=17.08 and Nf=1.70). Conclusions: Aligned implants in partial fixed prosthesis promoted different stresses when the first molar was submitted to axial or oblique loads.
Cite this Article: Tonella BP, Mesquita MF, Ricardo Barao VA, de Arruda Nobilo MA, Xediek Consani RL, et al. Effect of Aligned Implants on The Stress in Partial Fixed Prosthesis Submitted To Axial or Oblique Loads Exerted on The Molar: A Photoelastic Study. Sci J Res Dentistry. 2017;1(3): 057-062.
Published: 07 November 2017
Research Article: Influence of Tooth Thickness on Depth of Cure and Degree of Conversion of a Photo-Activated Resin Composite Irradiated Through the Tooth
Yujiao Li , Shuang Gao, Samson Alexander Tarimo, Hongyan Zhao, Hong Zhang, Li Liu, Xuan Ren, Wenyue Li and Zhimin Zhang*
Objective: To investigate the influence of trans-dental photo-curing on the Depth of Cure (DoC) and Degree of Conversion (DC) of a resin composite irradiated by a light curing unit operating in different curing modes.
Methods: Six main groups were formed in accordance with different tooth thicknesses which were further divided into six subgroups (n=5) according to light modes. DoC was evaluated by means of an ISO4049 standard scraping technique. Fourier Transformation Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to determine DC.
Results: DoC and DC decreases with increasing intervening tooth thickness. At 3mm tooth thickness, except for Turbo mode, there is no obvious curing performance. Turbo and High light modes could achieve the resin composite 2mm DoC even when tooth structure was 1.0mm thick. However for the rest of the light modes, the 2mm composite layer could adequately be cured when the tooth thickness was 0.5mm only. FTIR analysis mean DC values for the through-tooth-structure indirect curing were lower than the 45%-75% direct curing values. Among the groups, 0.5mm group had the highest DoC and DC mean values, 2.5 mm and 3mm groups had the lowest mean values. The composite resin showed lower DoC and DC mean values when irradiated indirectly compared to control direct curing (p < 0.005). 0.5 mm and Turbo light groups recorded the highest DoC and DC values than other groups, differences between tooth thickness groups were statistically significant with p < 0.005.
Conclusions: (1) A nano-composite resin cured through different tooth thickness will have lower DoC and DC compared to direct curing. (2) In clinical operation, composite should be directly cured, indirect curing must be avoided at all possibilities.
Cite this Article: Li Y, Gao S, Tarimo SA, Zhao H, Zhang Z, et al. Influence of Tooth Thickness on Depth of Cure and Degree of Conversion of a Photo-Activated Resin Composite Irradiated Through the Tooth. Sci J Res Dentistry. 2017;1(3): 050-056.
Published: 27 October 2017
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