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Juan Carlos Gomez-Verjan

Juan Carlos Gomez-Verjan

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Dr. JC Gomez-Verjan: In 2003 studied the Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences, in the Facultad de Quimica, of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, then in 2008 he made the Master degree in Biological Sciences with emphasis in Experimental Biology at the Facultad de Ciencias, of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, after that in 2010 he was Field Assistant Scientific for Valaner -Affymetrix in Mexico where he recibe trainign in Santa Clara Ca, USA, later in 2011 he made the PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the Instituto de Quimica, of the   Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, where he made two research stays at the Structural and Network Biology Lab at IRBBarcelona, and at the Computational Biology lab in iMM-Lisboa, his research interest is mainly focus on genomics, transcriptomics, toxicogenomics, and drug research of novel active molecules and its effects on different biological pathways and enzymes involved in several chronic diseases. 

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