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Xianquan Zhan

Xianquan Zhan

Central South University, China

Xianquan Zhan is currently a Professor at the Key Laboratory of Cancer Proteomics of Chinese Ministry of China, Hunan Engineering Laboratory for Structural Biology and Drug Design, and State Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Anticancer Drug, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. He got his M.D. and Ph.D. degree at the West China University of Medical Sciences, and received his post-doctoral training in the field of cancer proteomics at the Hunan Medical University in China. Since 2001, he had continuously worked at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, where he focused on mass spectrometry, proteomics, and biomarker studies, and achieved the rank of Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in 2010. He is also the National Representative of European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine (EPMA) in China, Associate Editors of BMC Genomics and of BMC Medical Genomics, Editorial Board Members of EPMA Journal and of Genomics Discovery, and Grant Reviewer for National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has published 62 peer-reviewed research articles, 5 book chapters, and 1 US patent. He is supervising 6 graduate students for their MS and PhD theses. His current main research interest focuses on the studies of disease proteomics, biomarkers and structural biology, and the development and use of omics techniques for cancer predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine.

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