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Author Feedback

Qing Qu

Qing Qu

Yunnan University, China

Prof. Dr. Qing Qu was born in Anhui province in China, and has spent his formative years there. He gained his bachelor’s degree from Anhui Normal University in 1994. He studied at the Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999-2002 and stayed there on undertaking research in atmospheric corrosion of metals. Dr. Qu graduated with PhD in 2002. Later in 2002, he was appointed as an associate professor of chemistry in Yunnan University. In 2008-2009, he pursued his research on the corrosion of light alloy in the University of Manchester of the United Kingdom as a visiting scholar. At present he is a professor of chemistry in Yunnan University. His research interests cover: Microbial synthesis of nanomaterials and their applications, microbiological corrosion including natural and oral environments, multifunctional catalytic materials and their applications. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 refereed journal publications.


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