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Regional Cereal Rust Research Center , Izmir, Turkey

Ezgi Kurtulus was born in Kutahya and completed her graduation in Plant Protection Department, Canakkale 18 Mart University, 2008; ant got the degree of Master of Science from Canakkale 18 Mart University in 2012. Ezgi Kurtulus is a Senior Research Assistant for 9 years in ICARDA International Center at the Regional Cereal Rust Research Center in Izmir, Turkey. Her primary research interest is observing wheat rust disease in the region and typing of the races for the region by conventional and molecular studies. She is particularly interested in rapid and accurate point of care diagnostic facilitate early intervention during plant disease outbreaks. Kurtulus's lab studies how resistant genes can affect for the resistance to the rust in wheat, uses genomic approaches to generate DNAs and to identify and characterize the genes and gene elements controlling the resistance to rust pathway in Triticum spp. Other research focuses include molecular characterization of the plant pathogens by using new technologies, genomics, diseases diagnostics, and pathogen surveillance.

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