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Author Feedback

Azizul Moqsud

Azizul Moqsud

Yamaguchi University, Japan

"Dr. M. Azizul Moqsud is currently working as a visiting scholar in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA. He is an Associate Professor in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Yamaguchi University, Japan (on leave). He had been working in Saga University, Kyushu University, Japan and Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh in various academic positions before joining in UC Berkeley. Dr. Moqsud has a vast experience in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering field both in Japan and overseas. He has more than 115 technical papers in his field and wrote 6 books/book chapters in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Moqsud has a prolific academic background with scholastic achievements throughout his career. He has been awarded the Prime Minister Gold Medal from People’s Republic of Bangladesh (2 times) for his outstanding academic outcome and has been rewarded the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE) award for outstanding research in 2008. Dr. Moqsud has been awarded the excellent presentation award in international conferences for his presentation (4 times). He has been awarded the prestigious Excellent Teacher Award in Yamaguchi University, Japan.
Dr. Moqsud has visited many countries including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, Indonesia, India, China, Korea, Thailand and many other east Asian countries and presented his research in different international conferences and also experienced different environmental and geo-environmental conditions in those countries.  He has delivered key note speech or invited speech in many international conferences. He is a member of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), a member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japanese geotechnical society (JGS) and International Association of Lowland Technology (IALT), associate member of ASCE, member of Geo Institute and a member of Research institute of environmental geotechnics (RIEG). Dr. Moqsud worked as the secretary general cum treasurer in IALT from 2008-2014. He also performed as secretary general of International symposium on lowland technology (ISLT) in 2010. He has been elected as a prestigious council member of IALT for the term 2014-18. Dr. Moqsud has been working as an expert of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Dr. Moqsud has outstanding research achievements in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Currently, he is conducting research in geo-environmental engineering, bioremediation, microbial fuel cells, organic waste recycling and green energy field. Particularly, to provide power to the various infrastructure monitoring sensors through MFC is his main focus in UC Berkeley.
His aim in life is to make a beautiful and joyful world for the future generation by thinking globally but act locally, personally and environmental friendly."

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