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Author Feedback

 Dimitrios Papoutsis

 Dimitrios Papoutsis

Keele University , UK

I acquired my medical degree from the University of Athens Medical School in 1998. I finished my residency in Obstetrics-Gynecology at "Alexandra" University teaching hospital in Athens Greece in 2010. Ever since I have completed several fellowships, such as the fellowship in Minimally Invasive Gynecology at Pius Hospital in Oldenburg-Germany and also at Royal Free Hospital in London-United Kingdom.

I have been working as an attending doctor in Obstetrics-Gynecology at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital since 2012 in the United Kingdom. This is a Keele University affiliated hospital for which I also work as a teaching fellow in Keele University Medical School.

I recently visited the Center for Vulvar Diseases at the University of Michigan in the United States as a visiting Professor for 3 months. I have ongoing research projects in the field of gynecology with the University of Michigan.

My PhD is in the area of cervical pathology and most of my PubMed indexed publications are in this field. I hold a MSc in the area of “Health management and administration” and I am a fellow in the Higher Education Academy of the United Kingdom as I hold a PGCert in “Medical Education”. I am a member of several scientific societies such as the ISSVD, BSSVD, BSSCP, RCOG, HSCCP. I have participated and organised several scientific meetings in the United Kingdom.

My research interests are in the field of general gynecology, vulvovaginal disease, cervical pathology and reproductive medicine.

I have more than 30 peer-reviewed publications at the moment and have written several book chapters in academic books.  

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