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Author Feedback

Slimane Belbraouet

Slimane Belbraouet

University of Moncto, Canada

Dr. Slimane Belbraouet received his Ph.D. from the Université de Nancy (France) in 1994. He did his Postdoctoral Fellowship in 1995 at the Center of Human Nutrition and INSERM U420 (Nancy, France). Professor Belbraouet started his academic career in 1980 at the Université de Sidi Bel abbes (Algeria), and is currently a full professor, Registered Dietician and Director of the School of nutrition at the Université de Moncton (Canada) teaching both in undergraduate and graduate levels and covering many aspects of nutrition: Nutrition & metabolism, Nutrition through the life cycle, research methods, Nutrition and health...  He is internationally recognized for his research expertise in food science, the promotion of healthy eating, and the etiology of diseases related to nutrition.  Research Interest 1. NUTRITION & CANCER 2. NUTRITION OF THE ELDERLY 3. ETHNICITY AND OBESITY 4. OBESITY, RISK FACTORS AND HEALTH CONSEQUENCES   

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