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Author Feedback

Shigeo Masuda

Shigeo Masuda

Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan

Dr. Shigeo Masudareceived his MD from the University of Tokyo in 1996, and PhD in Hematology/Oncology from the Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan. He was an Assistant Professor and an Associate Professor at Jichi Medical University, Japan, from 2007 to 2012, and joined RIKEN CDB in 2011. He studied at the Belmonte Lab in the Salk Institute from 2012 to 2014. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery in Osaka University, Japan. His interest is regenerative medicine using iPS-derived cells, including molecular targeted therapy for iPS-derived undifferentiated cells to improve safety.

Field of expertise

-Molecular Targeted Therapy

-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell

-Regenerative Medicine

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