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Author Feedback

 Alex Bekker

Alex Bekker

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, USA

Dr Bekker is an internationally recognized expert in neuroanesthesia and is frequently invited to speak at Grand Rounds and Scientific Panels. Dr. Bekker has been active in research for many years. He is the author of 92 peer reviewed publications, 6 US patents, 32 educational reviews and more than 100 abstracts. His work has focused on perioperative brain protection, neuroinflammation, and clinical pharmacology. Dr Bekker was a PI of numerous clinical trials, including studies sponsored by the National Institute of Aging. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology and is an ad hoc reviewer for 15 peer-reviewed journals, including NEJM, Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery, and Anesthesia and Analgesia. 

Currently, Dr Bekker is spearheading a campaign to improve the efficiency of Perioperative Services as well as Patient Safety at the University Hospital

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