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Author Feedback

Reza Rastmanesh

Reza Rastmanesh

The Nutrition Society, UK

I was an assistant professor in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, clinical nutrition and dietetics department since 2004 to 2010, where I leaded human studies on novel approaches to weight loss, ranging from mixed psychological approaches to traditional and herbal medicine and supplements. I have two theories 11 for weight loss involving melatonin, sleep, appetite, and thermoregulation. I have also other established theories in other medical situations including retinal neovascularization, ocular situations and dermatology. For the past 14 years I have been working on molecular, sociomedical and biomedical levels in diabetes management and obesity control. I have a wide range of interest, including but not limited to molecular and psychological approaches for weight loss, melatonin, time perception, memory, cognition, brain energetic and thermodynamics. I am currently an independent researcher.
My research interests are Novel molecular and psychological approaches for weight loss, melatonin, time perception, memory, cognition, brain energetic and thermodynamics 

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