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Jacopo Junio Valerio Branca

Jacopo Junio Valerio Branca

University of Firenze, Italy

Dr. Jacopo J.V. Branca is currently in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (Anatomy and Histology Section) at the University of Firenze, Italy.

Graduated in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Firenze in 2012, he gained is PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Firenze in March, 2016.

The first research aimed to better understand the role of vitamin D in chronic diseases. Subsequently, his studies focused on the biological effects of heavy metals in neurodegenerative disorders and how microelements, such as zinc and selenium, are able to counteract these adverse outcomes. Currently, he is collaborating with Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacologist to avoid/ameliorate neuropathic pain and neurodegenerative diseases by ultrasound application.

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