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Elisabetta Meacci

Elisabetta Meacci

University of Florence, Italy

Prof. Meacci holds basic and advanced molecular biology courses for the Mat Fis and Nat Science School and for the Human Health School (former SMFN Faculty and Medicine and Surgery). Over the past 15 years, the topics of its research activity have been focused on the study of sphingolipids and in particular the signal transduction pathways induced by sphingosine 1-phosphate in various cell types, and the regulation of enzymes involved in the control of intracellular levels of these lipid mediators, such as sphingomyelinase, ceramidase, ceramide kinase and sphingosine kinase in muscle, heart and tumor cells. More recently, Prof Meacci's research has recruited the role of the 43-linked gap-cell junctions and stress-triggered channels (TRCPs) in the proliferation and myogenic differentiation of skeletal muscle stem cells.

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