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Quah Ching Kheng

Quah Ching Kheng

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

QuahChingKheng was born on 7th May 1985. He received his high school education at Chung Ling High School Butterworth. He continued with his tertiary education at UniversitiSains Malaysia (USM) and was awarded a Bachelor of Applied Science with Physics (Honours) Degree in 2008. During his postgraduate studies, USM had awarded him the USM research fellowship. While in 2011, he received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree from USM. On 21st Nov 2011, he was appointed as a lecturer under School of Physics by USM. He has beenawarded several research grants as principal investigator with total amount of 1,267,705.00MYR (or 380,000.00 USD). He was invited to delivery lecturers in several Universities and Institutes both locally and internationally. He is a member of X-ray crystallography unit, School of Physics and has particular interests in X-ray crystallography and temperature-dependent phase transitions studies.

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