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Author Feedback

Yen Hao Chen

Yen Hao Chen

Georgia Regents University , USA

Dr. Yen Hao Chen joined the Obstetrics and Gynecology faculty in 2012. Dr. Chen received his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees of Biology in 1993 and 1995 in Taiwan. He obtained his PhD degree at the University of California, Riverside for Biomedical Sciences in 2006, majoring in studying the relationship of prolactin and breast cancer. Dr Chen attended his first Post Doc training at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and studied pituitary tumor in 2006. He then joined Dr. Ricardo Azziz's lab in California and studied Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in 2008. Dr Chen moved to Augusta, Georgia with Dr. Azziz in 2010. Dr Chen's research focuses on studying insulin resistance in adipose (fat) tissue from PCOS patients. He has discovered different microRNAs expression profile in adipose tissue from PCOS. Among these microRNAs, he found a specific small RNA called miR-93 which is over-expressed and may cause insulin resistance in fat tissue. He also continues to develop other projects including miR-93 over-expression mouse model, Berberine in insulin resistance treatment, and Berberine in cancer (tumor) treatment.

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