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Author Feedback

Sungeun Kim

Sungeun Kim

Korea University, USA

Dr. Sungeun Kim, female, as Nuclear medicine physician, is the professor of Nuclear Medicine Department of Korea University Medical College and Korea University Anam Hospital. She is a nuclear medicine physician trained & with 17 years of experience in research, academic and clinical practice of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine in Seoul National University Hospital, Cancer Research Institute of Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea Institute of radiological & medical sciences and National Radiation Emergency Medical Center. She got PhD (Nuclear medicine) from Seoul National University College of Medicine. Her clinical and research interests are focused on cancer and cardiovascular, cardiometabolic, endocrinological, metabolic bone and imaging and therapy, with special expertise in molecular imaging. As chaptor editor in the Textbook of Nuclear Medicine, Principles and Applications; Chapter17 PET application gynecological cancer (Springer-Verlag, New York,Inc. 2004), she have published 88 papers in main journals of nuclear medicine, cardiovascular, and endocrinology including Nucl Med Mol Imaging in), Annals of Surgical oncology in 2015, PLUS ONE 2015, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM in 2015, Cardiovascular imaging in 2014, Atherosclerosis in 2012, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol and J Nucl Med in 2011, Cephalalgia, Eur J Cardiothorac Surg and Circ Cardiovasc Imaging in 2010 and Arch Pharm Res in 2008, Ann Oncol in 2005 and Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging in 2004 and many numerous presentations in international meeting. She received many awards including Annual Multidisciplinary European Endovascular Therapy best clinical award (gold prize), Annual World Congress on Insulin Resistance, Diabetes and CVD (best oral presentation award (bronze prize), 79th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress (Best Poster Prize) in 2011, Multidisciplinary European Endovascular Therapy Free papers competition Winner (silver prize) and 20th European society of hypertension accommodation grant traveler’s grant in 2010, 19th European society of hypertension traveler’s grant (Milan, Italy) in 2009, Annual World Molecular Imaging Congress travel award in 2008, Best oral presentation award (Annual meeting of the Korean Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, Seoul, Korea) in 2005 and Dai-Chi award (The 40th anniversary annual meeting of the Korea Nuclear Medicine Society, Seoul, Korea) in 2005.

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