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INSERM , France

Dr Alfaidy’ research has contributed in a fundamental manner to advances in placental endocrinology and to the hormonal mechanisms in pregnancy leading to clinical labour. Her studies have uncovered some of the key roles of steroids and prostaglandis in the birth process and have elucidated some of the current concepts of the autocrine and paracrine regulations in women. Since March 2003 Dr. Alfaidy’ research has been focused on the understanding of the mechanisms of the development of Peeclampsia, the most common cause of retarded fetal development. Dr. Alfaidy studies angiogenic factors, in particular the new angiogenic factor EG-VEGF, and their potential implication in the development of the pathology of Preeclampsia. In relation to Gynecological oncology Dr Alfaidy developed a new project that focuses on the study of gestational trophoblastic diseases, especially hydatiform môles and choriocarcinoma.

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