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Author Feedback

Jonathan Y. Song

Jonathan Y. Song

Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital , USA

"I am a board-certified Gynecologist, fellowship-trained and certified in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. I was fortunate enough to have won several international and national surgical awards and I am a faculty member of SurgeryU and WebSurg, web-based on-line education for minimally invasive Gynecologic surgery. I have won first place at the 2014 Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS) Meeting for my work on refining techniques of resecting large fibroid tumors with uterine reconstruction in an infertility patient, as well as first place at the 2009 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) clinical meeting for my work involving Alternatives to Hysterectomy. I am currently the Chairman of the Robotics and Special Surgery Department at Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital, and am an assistant professor in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
I am in private practice in the western suburbs of Chicago. My practice is limited to surgery and gynecology only. In addition to my contributions to peer-reviewed journals, I have authored chapters in Fertility surgical textbooks. I also teach and present my surgeries at the annual AAGL, SLS and ACOG meetings held here in the United States. My clinical interests include but are not limited to: Laparoscopic and Robot-assisted Multiple Myomectomy with Uterine Reconstruction, Advanced Robot-assisted Surgeries, Tubal Anastomosis and Fimbrioplasty, Laparoscopic resection of the cervix in patients with prior Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy, Total Hysterectomy, Appendectomy, and Reproductive surgeries in the field of Infertility."
"I am a board-certified Gynecologist, fellowship-trained and certified in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. I was fortunate enough to have won several international and national surgical awards and I am a faculty member of SurgeryU and WebSurg, web-based on-line education for minimally invasive Gynecologic surgery. I have won first place at the 2014 Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS) Meeting for my work on refining techniques of resecting large fibroid tumors with uterine reconstruction in an infertility patient, as well as first place at the 2009 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) clinical meeting for my work involving Alternatives to Hysterectomy. I am currently the Chairman of the Robotics and Special Surgery Department at Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital, and am an assistant professor in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
I am in private practice in the western suburbs of Chicago. My practice is limited to surgery and gynecology only. In addition to my contributions to peer-reviewed journals, I have authored chapters in Fertility surgical textbooks. I also teach and present my surgeries at the annual AAGL, SLS and ACOG meetings held here in the United States. My clinical interests include but are not limited to: Laparoscopic and Robot-assisted Multiple Myomectomy with Uterine Reconstruction, Advanced Robot-assisted Surgeries, Tubal Anastomosis and Fimbrioplasty, Laparoscopic resection of the cervix in patients with prior Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy, Total Hysterectomy, Appendectomy, and Reproductive surgeries in the field of Infertility."

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