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Hans Helge Dahlkvist

Hans Helge Dahlkvist

Linköping university, Sweden

Hans Helge Dahlkvist, After graduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Linköping, PhD/MD in 1983 and professor of Pharmacology in 1987 at Linköping University. Experience as project manager in drug development at Hoffman LaRoche and Pfizer and course director and lecturer at Linköping and Stockholm University, manager of higher education in medical and natural sciences at Åsö College and responsible for theme days and project manager in educational development nationally and internationally.
My research interest is to describe probable hibernation phenotypes, common to a vast variety of  organisms, including humans; with well‐known biochemical pathways to point‐out specific metabolic  trails that may relate to different aspects of hibernation.  It can be explained as a strong genetic hibernant  machinery inherited since the First Cell, modified by specific environmental conditions required for an  appropriate adaptation.  Hibernation can be seen as a key energetic survival response common in species  from different Kingdoms, developed by them, but phenotypically changes, according to their evolutionary  complexity level.

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